Recipients of Outstanding Teachers Awards

Prof. Ranjit Kumar Ray
Prof Ranjit Kumar Ray, Formerly Head, Advance Centre for Materials Science, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, IIT, Kanpur has made outstanding contributions in the area of texture and its application in design and development of metallic alloys including steel. He was the pioneering figure from academia for initiating texture analysis, initially through conventional pole figure method and subsequently using 3-dimensional orientation distribution function (ODF) analysis. He introduced the first course on texture at IIT Kanpur in early 1980’s, instituted a research laboratory for texture studies, conducted sponsored projects from industry, published a series of very well cited papers and book chapters, and trained a host of students at Doctoral level who are now academic leaders in India and abroad.
Prof. Bhim Singh
Prof Bhim Singh, CEA Chair Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi has made outstanding contributions in innovative teaching, research, development, consulting and administration. He introduced individual numerical assignments, computer simulation assignments, seminars, term papers, and mini projects in courses, to improve the communication skills and hands- on experience of students. He has organized more than fifty short term courses, workshops and dozen conferences and has delivered more than hundred keynote addresses, invited specialized talks including several memorial lectures and tutorials in conferences. He has published more than 2185 research papers (919 Journals and 1266 Conferences) and 59 patents and has executed more than 85 sponsored/constancy projects.

Prof. BS Murty
Prof. Murty is one of the most popular teachers in the broad field of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering for the past 27 years. His NPTEL courses are popular not only in India, but across the globe. He has also inspired a number of school students (11th and 12th grades, in particular) through INSPIRE programes. He has also motivated a number of research scholars to carry out high quality of research. He has also mentored a large number of summer interns over the years.

Prof. Sri S Narayanan
Prof. Sadagopan Narayanan started his teaching career nearly half a century ago as a Research Assistant in January1969 in the Aeronautical Engineering Department, IIT Kanpur handling tutorials in courses like Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Drawing for the B.Tech students. Random Vibration, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos are few of his areas of specialization. Curricula were framed and courses were designed by him on these topics and taught to a large number of students at UG, PG and Ph.D levels. Prof. S. Narayanan has organized and lectured in many continuing education programmes for teachers, scientists and industrial participants. He has guided many Ph.D., MS, M.Tech and B.Tech students for their theses and projects resulting in many quality journal and conference publications. His book “Applications of Random Vibration” is only one of its kind and widely referred to. He has contributed significantly to industrial practice and scientific research through sponsored and consultancy projects, all being integral part of teaching which is a passion than profession for him.
Prof. (Dr.) Ganapati Panda
Prof. Ganapati Panda formerly, Deputy Director, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar obtained his PhD degree from IIT Kharagpur in 1982 and did his Post-Doctoral work at University of Edinburgh, UK during 194-86. Since 1972, he is actively engaged in teaching and high-quality research in University College of Engineering Burla, National Institute of Technology Rourkela and IIT Bhubaneswar. He served as Dean Administration, NIT Rourkela, Director NIT Jamshedpur and Dean Academics and Deputy Director, IIT Bhubaneswar. He is well known as a dedicated and revered teacher, innovative thinker and brilliant researcher in the areas of signal processing, communication engineering and machine learning. His commitment towards innovative teaching, imparting knowledge, creating challenging environment and inspiring students and researchers is praiseworthy. He enjoys teaching by enlightening young minds. He has made seminal contributions in curriculum development of various Universities and leading technical institutions. He has received various prestigious academic awards and honors including Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award, Biju Patanaik Award, Best Alumini Award of VSSUIT Odisha, Common Wealth Fellowship, Fellowship of INAE and NASI and many gold medals for best paper awards.

Prof. Sri Niwas Singh
Prof. Sri Niwas Singh has contributed to the power system profession in several roles: as a competent utility engineer (appreciation for the first 800 kV transmission system design study of UPSEB), as a world-class researcher (more than 400 published research papers) and as an outstanding educator (accolades from IEEE & IIT Kanpur). Prof Singh switched to academics in 1996. Since then, he has been a faculty/researcher in several prestigious universities across the globe. He has conducted 18 special courses for utility engineers and teachers. Dr Singh has written six book chapters and two text-books and developed two very popular NPTEL video courses. He has already mentored 27 PhD and 40 M. Tech. students. His distinctive way of teaching, meticulous supervision, strong knowledge-base and rich experience have been a key factor in the brilliant performance of his students. For his mammoth contribution to the engineering education, he has received the prestigious 2013 IEEE Educational Activities Board Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education, the first to be won by any person from Asia.
Prof Sunil Kumar Sarangi
For Prof Sunil Kumar Sarangi, teaching engineering has been a passion. Spanning over a period of four decades, his contribution to engineering education covers all important aspects of university life: class room teaching, research guidance, academic administration and social life involving students, faculty colleagues and the wider scientific community. Prof Sarangi has been involved in academic administration at the highest level, particularly as Director of NIT, Rourkela. Under his leadership NIT, Rourkela entered international ranking in both QS (BRICS Countries) and Times Higher Education surveys. He has also made visible contribution to the growth of the NIT system as a whole, thus bringing superior educational opportunities to tens of thousands of young engineers around the country.

Prof Kripa Shanker
Prof Kripa Shanker
Prof Kripa Shanker was born on July 1, 1949 at Varanasi. He obtained his BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Banaras Hindu University and was a Gold Medallist. Subsequently, he obtained his M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Kanpur, MS and PhD in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University. He joined IIT Kanpur as a faculty member in the Industrial and Management Engineering Department in 1978. He has been awarded ISTE National Award for Outstanding Academic, Distinguished Alumnus Award from BHU, and Distinguished Teachers Award of IIT Kanpur.
Prof Dipak Mazumdar
Prof Dipak Mazumdar has been engaged in teaching and research at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur since 1987. Author of two text books, over one hundred thirty research publications, a patent jointly with JSW Steel and recipient of eighteen national and international awards, Prof Mazumdar is a globally acclaimed personality in the field of steel education and research. He currently holds the distinguished Ministry of Steel Chair Professorship in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur. Prof Mazumdar also works as a consultant for more than a dozen domestic steel and refractory industries.

Prof Pradip Dutta
Prof Pradip Dutta started his teaching career as a faculty member at Columbia University. After teaching in the USA for about three years, he joined as faculty at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1996. Professor Dutta has shown commitment towards teaching that has inspired a number of students to pursue challenging careers for achieving their goals. A distinguishing feature of Prof. Dutta as an engineering teacher is the judicious balance among teaching, cutting edge research and industry interaction. Through constant industry interaction, collaboration and contribution in engineering research, he always keeps himself updated with current developments. His research work has strong link between fundamental scholarly work and innovative technology development relevant to industries, and this approach gives him the edge in teaching and research, which also benefits his research students in getting the right exposure and finding appropriate career opportunities. Prof. Dutta has contributed through curriculum development and outreach programmes, in the field of engineering education. Playing a lead role in curriculum development committees, he has helped modernize and re-shape the mechanical engineering curriculum at the PG and UG level. As part of outreach activities, he has developed and launched three web based courses under the NPTEL programme of MHRD. Prof. Dutta’s approach towards teaching is not just about classroom instructions and imparting knowledge, but more about creating a challenging, nurturing environment for his students, and inspiring them to delve into deeper knowledge
Prof Bhargab B. Bhattacharya
Prof Bhargab B. Bhattacharya, during his long teaching and research career at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, is known among his peers for his seminal contributions to several core areas of computer science and engineering. He has provided algorithmic solutions to many problems of design automation and testing of integrated circuits and his contributions to digital geometry has led to the design of India’s first biometric VLSI chip for fingerprint verification. His recent work algorithmic microfluidics has made fundamental advances in the area of biochemical sample preparation on a labon-a-chip. An innovative thinker with world-wide collaboration, Professor Bhattacharya is best known for initiating many emerging research areas among the Indian academia and for mentoring numerous students over the years to take up the challenge of exploring newer disciplines. He enjoys teaching for the dissemination of knowledge and his primary objective is to enlighten young minds to help them discover the joy of learning from within

Prof. Souvik Bhattacharyya
Prof Souvik Bhattacharyya, born on January 1, 1959, obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, M.S. from University of Cincinnati, USA and PhD from Texas University, USA. He joined Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur as Faculty member in 1991 and became Professor in 2003. He has held the appointment of Dean (Students’ Affairs) at the institute. During 2012-2013 he was Vice-Chancellor at Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Recently, he has been appointed as Deputy Director, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Prof Bhattacharyya was always known as a dedicated and revered teacher and researcher among the students of IIT Kharagpur. His teaching flair exhibited attributes which enhanced the learning experience on the part of the students. Prof Bhattacharyya has authored two books on “Heat Transfer” and “Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications” and has 97 papers in international journals to his credit. He is a recipient of the Best Paper Award by ASHRAE, USA and is Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering.
Prof JC Misra
Prof Jagadis Chandra Misra, born on April 19, 1944 obtained his B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics and M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics Degrees from Calcutta University. He then obtained his PhD Degree from Jadavpur University and D.Sc. from Calcutta University. He has served the cause of education for nearly five decades, the major portion being at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He joined the Siksha O Anusandhan University, in 2009. He is known as a dedicated teacher and a brilliant researcher. In addition to achieving excellence in classroom teaching both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, Prof. Misra is well-known as a committed researcher and a motivated supervisor of Doctoral students. He built up an active school of research in Biomechanics and Structural Mechanics and is one of the pioneers in research in this field. Prof Misra has received several prestigious awards and honours including the Humboldt Fellowship, Germany; IIT Kharagpur Silver Jubilee Award; Rashtriya Gaurav Award and Indian Science Congress Platinum Jubilee Lecture Award in Mathematical Sciences.