To view the results of Call for Proposal (CFP) 2024. CLICK HERE 
CALL LAUNCH DATE: 1st June 2024
CALL CLOSING DATE: 31st July 2024
Projects for financial support in the following broad subject areas will be supported-
Priority areas for R&D projects
Financial support
Pursuant to the signing of an Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC) in New Delhi and the India -Taipei Association (ITA) in Taipei on Scientific & Technological cooperation in April 2007, the Department of Science & Technology (DST) and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of Taiwan, as nodal agencies to implement the programme of cooperation between India and Taiwan, invites joint research proposals for support under Indo-Taiwan S&T cooperation programme.
1. Up to 12 – 15 joint research projects would be supported against the present call and the likely date for start of the projects is 1st January 2025.
2. The financial support is available basically for mobility of scientists/ researchers from each side towards international travel expenses/exchange visits of the Indian Scientists/Researcher from India to Taiwan. Normally 2 visits (up-to 30 and 60 days each) per year from each side for max of 3 years would be allowed.
3. Some additional incremental funding on account of scientific manpower (JRF/SRF/RA etc); scientific minor equipment/ accessories (max of Rs. 5.0 lac); chemicals/ consumables/ accessories (upto Rs 3.0 lac per year) and contingency of upto Rs 50,000/- per year is also available under the scheme. However, support for capital equipment is NOT available under the scheme.
4. Institutional overhead charges shall be payable to Indian grantee institutes @5% of the non-travel expenses/costs.
The local hospitality norms pertaining to exchange visits would be as below:
1. The visiting party will meet the expenditure on international and domestic (inter-city) air travel.
2. The receiving party will meet the expenditure on local hospitality for boarding, lodging and local ground transportation of the visiting scientists.
3. Normally, two visits per year from each side would be permitted. The duration of visits would be max 60 days per year for research students and max 30 days per year for senior scientists / faculties.
4. Only one visit per year will be permitted for each participating scientist from each country.
(a) Indian scientists visiting Taiwan-Furnished accommodation in hotel/ guest house plus per-diem @ 1000 NTD per day towards boarding and out of pocket expenses.
(b) Taiwanese senior scientist / faculty visiting India (for visit upto 30 days) – Furnished accommodation in hotel/ guest house plus per-diem of Rs.4000/- per day for first 14 days and Rs. 3000/- per day for subsequent days for long term visit of faculty up to 30 days.
Taiwanese research students visiting India for long term– Rs. 75,000 / per month including accommodation, per-diem and local transport.
Project Duration: 3 years (2025-2027)
No requests for extension (with or without additional cost) of the project beyond three years duration shall be considered.
Programme is open to all Scientists, Engineers, faculty, researchers, young scientists from public funded research institutes and academic institutions (Govt as well as private academic institutions) in India and Taiwan, engaged in advance research in the above referred areas. The PIs should not get superannuated/transferred to another institute during the course of implementation of the project. The participation of private industry from both sides is encouraged and welcomed to be partner in the project. However, private companies shall have to bring their own funding for their research work/component in the project. No funding is available to private companies from Indian as well as Taiwanese side.
Submission of applications for proposals and last date
- The project proposals should necessarily be developed jointly by the scientists/researchers/engineers from the institution on both sides, duly endorsed by the heads of the respective institutions.
- Proposals submitted unilaterally shall not be considered. Advance copies, incomplete and loose proposals shall not be accepted.
- Only one research proposal from researcher/applicant shall be considered at a time.
- The Joint project proposals may be submitted by the Indian partner to INAE and by the Taiwanese partners to NSTC.
- The project proposals completed in all respect must be received by both sides latest by 31st July 2024.
- The Indian project partner may submit a complete application form along with the required documents as a single pdf through Google form .
- The following documents under a covering letter are required to be submitted as a single pdf through the given link in the Google form.
- Filled in Proposal Format (signed and stamped by Authorized signatory)
- Brief curriculum vitae
- Publication list and list of patents (if applicable)
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Indian Project Partners
10. The Programme officer can be contacted at the address given below:
Lt Col Shobhit Rai (Retd), Dy Executive Director, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Ground Floor, Block- II, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110 016, Phone : 011-26582475, Email:
11. The Taiwanese partner may submit the application online to the NSTC according to the procedure outlined in the NSTC’s announcement, and address to:
Mr. Greg Lee, Officer, Department of International Cooperation and Science Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: +886-(0)2- 27377431 / Fax: +886-(0)2-27377607; Email:
For further information and details, please contact –
From Indian side Dr. Rajiv Kumar Email: |
From Taiwanese side Mr. Greg Lee Email: |