Application for Fellowship

(A) Nomination forms for Fellowship: Brief Information for Fellows.

As a part of the on-going initiative of INAE to digitize as much of its operation as possible, kindly note that from the year 2020 onwards, nominations for election to the Fellowship of INAE are to be submitted online through a Digital Platform (using personal log-in credentials of the Fellows registered with INAE). However, as this is the fourth year of transition in exceptional circumstances, nominations can also be submitted as soft copy forwarded through email, if not feasible for submission through Digital Platform.

(B) Submission of soft copies of nomination form.

Fellows unable to use the Digital Platform facility are requested to submit the soft copy of the nominations for Fellowship/ Foreign Fellowship after downloading the forms duly forwarded by Proposer only through email to INAE Office at ID inaehq[at]inae[dot]in duly signed (or endorsed through an email) by another Fellow of INAE as a Seconder by March 31, 2025. Detailed instructions are contained in the form.

The Nomination forms for election of Fellows & Foreign Fellows are enclosed below:

Nomination Form for Election of Fellows from Academia/ R & D/ Industry and Engineering Services 2025 (PDF/MS Word)
Nomination Form for Election of Foreign Fellows 2025 (PDF/MS Word)

For INAE Fellows only:

A “Quick Guide” for submission of nominations through Digital Platform as well as offline can be viewed by Clicking here..

Please Note: To have a wider reach and participation of engineering community, new streams of membership of INAE have been incorporated recently. The fellowship continues to be there as a flagship recognition to the Notable Engineers who are nominated and elected by a three-tier process.