Expert Profile View

Prof. Alan Conrad Bovik

Present Designation:

Professor, The University of Texas at Austin

Areas of Interest:

Perceptual optimization of streaming and social media and extended reality.


Image and Video Processing and Communication

Visual Neuroscience

Visual Psychophysics

Streaming Video

Social Media

Extended Reality

Image Quality

Video Quality

Visual Perception

Major Professional Contributions:

· * For pioneering high-impact scientific and engineering contributions leading to the perceptually optimized global streaming and sharing of visual media (Edison Medal Citation).

·** For developments in engineering that are so extensive an improvement on existing methods, and so innovative in nature, that they materially affect the transmission, recording, and reception of television (Primetime Emmy Award Citation).

   * For seminal contributions and high-impact innovations to the theory and application of perception-based image and video processing (Fourier Award Citation).

·    * For the development of perceptual metrics for video encoding optimization (Technology and Emmy Award Citation).

·  * For his inventions which have resulted in important advances in the scientific and technological development of photography and imaging (RPS Progress Medal Citation)

·  * For substantially shaping the direction and advancement of modern perceptual picture quality theory, and for energetically engaging industry to transform his ideas into global practice (Optica Edwin H. Land Medal Citation).

Consultancy Areas:

Sector Associated With:

Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

· * For pioneering high-impact scientific and engineering contributions leading to the perceptually optimized global streaming and sharing of visual media (Edison Medal Citation).

·** For developments in engineering that are so extensive an improvement on existing methods, and so innovative in nature, that they materially affect the transmission, recording, and reception of television (Primetime Emmy Award Citation).

   * For seminal contributions and high-impact innovations to the theory and application of perception-based image and video processing (Fourier Award Citation).

·    * For the development of perceptual metrics for video encoding optimization (Technology and Emmy Award Citation).

·  * For his inventions which have resulted in important advances in the scientific and technological development of photography and imaging (RPS Progress Medal Citation)

·  * For substantially shaping the direction and advancement of modern perceptual picture quality theory, and for energetically engaging industry to transform his ideas into global practice (Optica Edwin H. Land Medal Citation).


Professional Experience


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PHD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1984

MS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1982

BS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1980

Awards and Recognitions

IEEE  Edison Medal (2022)

Primetime Emmy Award (2015)

IEEE Fourier Award (2019)

Technology and Engineering Emmy Award (2021)

RPS Progress Medal (2019)

INAE Section Affiliated

II: Computer and Information Technology

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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