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Prof. Udaya Kumar

Present Designation:

Professor & Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering , IISc Bangalore

Areas of Interest:


• Theoretical and Computational aspects of quasi-static electric fields and their application to real life problems

• Dynamic fields associated with Lightning discharge

• High frequency response of coils and windings

• Corona generated EMF


• Modeling of Lightning

• Lightning protection -

• Modelling of the attachment process and modelling of attachment to aircrafts

• Investigations on the Lightning Surge response

• Lightning generated fields in soil

• Simualtion of the strike to a transmisson line using a self-consistent lightning return stroke model


Lightning, Electromagnetics, Grounding and High Voltage

Major Professional Contributions:

• Involved with the design of the lightning protection system to Indian Satellite Launch Pads (older two and upcoming ones)

• Designed the corona shields for India’s first 800 kV Fixed Series Compensation Platform

• Investigated the grounding and lightning surge response for Metros. BMRCL is saving more than 50 – 70 lakhs on every upcoming station.

• Methods and computer code for lightning protection for aircraft.

• For the first time in the country, an aircraft is subjected to the lightning current injection test 

• Made fundamental contributions in the area of Applied Electromagnetics and Lightning. Also made significant contributions to grounding and pollution performance of post-insulators  

Consultancy Areas:

Lightning, Electromagnetics, Grounding and High Voltage

Sector Associated With:

·       ISRO ' Lightning protection of launch pads & Charging of satellites in the geo-stationary orbits.

·       METRO ' Grounding and lightning protection aspects

·       Siemens ' Design of corona shields for the 800 kV FSC

·       Transients in cables supplying to submersible pumps in off-shore applications

·       ADA ' Development of methods and computer codes for ascertaining the lightning attachment and the stroke current distribution.

·       Similar work of ADE is under inception

·       PGCIL ' Short circuit force on busbars

·       IGCAR ' Development of 3D FEM code for the evaluation of the magnetic flow meters

·       Work is initiated for GE Aerospace for lightning protection aspects and its modelling

Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

Industry (PSUs)

R&D Organizations

Government (including funding agencies)

Industry (Private)

Professional Experience

·        · Senior Analyst, (1997-1998), Electromagnetic group, EMRC, Bangalore.

·        · Lecturer, (April 1998 - April 2001), Department of High Voltage Engineering, IISc.

·        · Assistant Professor (23rd April 2001-2007), Department of High Voltage Engineering, IISc.

·        · Associate Professor (23rd April 2007-), High Voltage Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering,IISc.

·        · Professor (23rd April 2013-), High Voltage Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering,IISc.

·        · Vice Chair and Chair, GATE-JAM Office, IISc 2018 - 2020


Electromagnetics, Lightning modelling, Impulse current, Electromagnetics

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Awards and Recognitions

• Distinguished member of CIGRE

• Associate Editor of IEEE Tran on Power Delivery & IET High Voltage

• Member of IEEE Transmission Distribution Herman Halperin Award Committee

INAE Section Affiliated

V: Electrical Engineering

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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