Expert Profile View

Prof. Madhava Krishna Krishnan

Present Designation:

Professor & Head Kohli Center on Intelligent Systems (KCIS), IIIT Hyderabad

Areas of Interest:

Mobile robotics, robotic vision, outdoor robotics, multi-robotic systems and mechanism design


Mobile Robotics, Robotic Vision, Multi- Robotic Systems & Mechanism Design

Major Professional Contributions:

Consultancy Areas:

Mobile Robotics, Robotic Vision, Multi- Robotic Systems & Mechanism Design

Sector Associated With:

Educational / Academic institutions,

Industry (Private), Industry (PSUs)

R&D Organizations

Government (including funding agencies)

Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

Educational / Academic institutions,

Industry (Private), Industry (PSUs)

R&D Organizations

Government (including funding agencies)

Professional Experience

·   Head of The Kohli Center for Intelligent Systems, IIIT Hyderabad, 2024 – till date

·   Visiting Research Faculty, CSCE, Univ of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2003-2005

·   Professor and Head of Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad, 2018  - till date

·   Assoc Prof and Head of Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad, 2010-2017

·   Asst Professor and Head of Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad 2005-2010

·   Post Doc, LAAS-CNRS, 2002


Robotic Vision, Vision and Learning, Autonomous Navigation, Ground and Aerial Vehicles, Self Driving

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Awards and Recognitions

·   Best Paper Award, in ICVGIP 2010 for the paper on, “Real-time Motion Segmentation Based Multibody VSLAM”, coauthored with Abhijit Kundu and C V Jawahar

·   Best Runner up Paper Award in ICVGIP 2014 for the paper on, “Monocular Motion Segmentation of Rigid Bodies using In-frame Shear Constraints”, coauthored with Siddharth Tourani

·   Microsoft Young Researcher Award, 2008-09

·   Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Super Winner Award, 2021-2022

INAE Section Affiliated

II: Computer and Information Technology

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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