Expert Profile View

Prof. Makarand Madhao Ghangrekar

Present Designation:

Director, National Institute of Technology Puducherry

Areas of Interest:

Water and Wastewater treatment; Biological wastewater treatment; Anaerobic processes; Bio-electrochemical systems; Microbial fuel cells


Environmental Engineering; Water and Wastewater Treatment; Biological Wastewater treatment; Anaerobic processes; Bio-electrochemical systems

Major Professional Contributions:

• Designed and Constructing 1.35 MLD Sewage treatment plant for hostels and another 300 m3/day sewage treatment plant at IIT Kharagpur to produce potable quality treated water.
• Worked as Professor-In Charge of Water Works and Sanitation for three years at IIT Kharagpur.
• Constructed and operating 400 UASB reactor based sewage treatment plant at IIT campus
• Providing consulting for sewerage and sanitation infrastructure to various state Governments, namely Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, etc. and Government of India in National Mission for Clean Ganga.
• Designed more than 25 industrial wastewater treatment plants in India and two plants in Malaysia.
• Providing operational guidelines to effluent treatment plants to the industries.

Consultancy Areas:

Water and Wastewater Treatment; Anaerobic Wastewater treatment, Bioelectrochemical Systems, Microbial Fuel cell.

Sector Associated With:

Designing and vetting municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial effluent treatment plants

Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

Designing and vetting municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial effluent treatment plants

Professional Experience

More than 28 years of experience in this sector


Wastewater treatment plant 

Effluent treatment plant

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Ph.D. Environmental Science and Engineering; M.Tech. Environmental Engineering; B.E. Civil Engineering

Awards and Recognitions

o Fellow INAE, Indian National Academy of Engineering, India, Since 1st November 2020.
o Institute Chair Professor, August 18, 2020, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
o Appointed as Research Advisor, Nan Yang Academy of Sciences, Singapore from October 13, 2018.
o Gandhian Young Technology Innovation (GYTI) Awards 2018, received at President’s House, New Delhi on 19th March 2018 for the project titled “Novel low-cost Polyvinyl alcohol-Nafion-Borosilicate membrane separator for microbial fuel cell treating distillery waste water”.
o Gandhian Young Technology Innovation (GYTI) Appreciation 2018, received at President’s House, New Delhi on 19th March 2018 for the project titled “Bioelectric toilet: A novel approach for treatment of human waste and generating onsite electricity for lighting toilets”.
o Received award from Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Govt. of India) under Swachhathon 1.0 (Swachh Bharat Hackathon) under the category Early decomposition of faecal matter for the project “Smart Microbial Fuel Cell-Bioelectric Toilet Technology (MFC-BTT) for human waste treatment, wastewater reuse and simultaneous electricity recovery for illuminating toilets in remote areas". 8th September 2017, New Delhi.
o Excellent paper award and Euro 2500 Cash prize for the paper titled "Domiciliary management of mango waste for power production using biological fuel cell-a green technology" authored by Iti Sharma and Makarand Madho Ghangrekar in the conference 23rd World Energy Congress, by the Scientific Committee and the experts of World Energy Council. 9-13 October, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
o Gandhian Young Technology Innovation (GYTI) Awards 2016, received at President’s House, New Delhi on 13th March 2016.
o Gandhian Young Technology Innovation (GYTI) Awards 2015, received at President’s House, New Delhi on 8th March 2015.
o Rajesh P.P and Ghangrekar M.M. Springer award-2015 for the best paper presented in International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-energy Research (ICRABR-2015), Kapurthala, India.
o Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship under connect program for short visit to Germany in July 2013.
o National Design Award 2012 for Environmental Engineering by NDRF, Institution of Engineers, India
o Marie Curie Fellowship under FP-7 knowledge transfer program by EU, duration February 2010 to July 2010, Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel.
o Receipt of the Top reviewer award for the year 2008, by the Elsevier Journal 'Bioresource Technology'.
o Marie Curie Fellowship under FP-6 program by EU, Duration September to December 2008. Worked at University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
o Prof. R.C. Singh Medal by Institution of Engineers (India), for the year 2007 for the paper published in the Journal of Environmental Engineering Division.
o Mrs and Mr. Bhupesh Nandy Medal from Institution of Engineers, India for the year 2002 for the paper Published in Jan-March 2002.
o Prof. R.C. Singh Medal by Institution of Engineers (India), for the year 1999 for the paper published in the issue February 1999.
o Shri. P.V. Patki Memorial award by Indian Water Works Association for the year 1998 for the paper published in the issue January 1998.

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I: Civil Engineering

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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