Expert Profile View

Prof. Pramod Kumar JAIN

Present Designation:

Director, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)

Areas of Interest:

CAD/CAM, CAPP; Concurrent Engineering: Design for Manufacture, Design for Assembly, Tolerance Design, Manufacturing Systems, Modelling and Simulation, FMS, CMS, RMS, Agent Based Systems, Scheduling, Operations Management, Machining Science


Manufacturing Systems and Engineering; Optimization and Simulation

Major Professional Contributions:

Consultancy Areas:

Manufacturing Systems and Engineering; Optimization and Simulation

Sector Associated With:

Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

Professional Experience

·  Director, Administration, Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi (2018 – Present)

·  Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (2004 – 2018)


Modelling, Simulation, Manufacturing Systems, Optimization

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B.E., M.E., Ph.D.

Awards and Recognitions

·  JSPS Fellowship, Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (2002)

·  All India Council for Technical Education Career Award for Young Teachers (1998)

· University Grants Commission Indo Netherlands Academic Exchange Fellowship (1998)

INAE Section Affiliated

X: Interdisciplinary and Special Engineering Fields and Leadership in Academia, R&D and Industry

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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