Prof. Bijan Kumar DUTTA
Present Designation:
Institute Chair Professor, Homi Bhabha National InstituteAreas of Interest:
Structural Integrity and Safety Evaluation; Finite Element Analysis; Analytical and Experimental Assessment of In-Service Material Degradation; HRD and Academic Governance
Structural, Computational and Material Mechanics
Major Professional Contributions:
1. Development of application based finite element codes for nuclear reactor safety analysis, viz. Nuclear fuel modelling, Online monitoring of creep and fatigue damage, Modelling of material damage, Multi-scale modelling of structural material to determine mechanical properties of in-service degraded materials. Provided solutions to number of complex issues related to Indian nuclear reactors.
2. Development of new finite elements to model stress singularities lying in close proximities
3. Establishment of mechanical testing laboratory of miniaturized specimens of degraded materials
4. Guided eleven doctoral programs and fifteen M.Tech. programs. Authors/Co-authors of 150+ peer reviewed journal papers
5. Served as Head, Human Resource Development Program of BARC
6. Served Homi Bhabha National Institute right from its inception in various Capacities, viz. Dean-Academic (Engineering Sciences); Convener Board-of-Studies (Engineering Sciences); Member of Council of Management; Member of Academic Council; Dean; and Vice Chancellor (Officiating)
7. Served as chairman/member of selection board meetings of DAE, IITs and DRDO. Former president and presently lifetime Advisory Board member of International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, USA
Consultancy Areas:
1. Structural Integrity Assessment
2. Finite Element Modelling of Structures, Heat Transfer and Materials
3. Advanced Mechanical Testing
4. Human Resource Development
5. Academic Governance
Sector Associated With:
R&D and Academic
Sectors Interested to Offer Service:
1. Educational / Academic institutions
2. R&D Organizations
3. Government (including funding agencies)
4. Consultancy Firms
Professional Experience
1. Head, Structural and Material Mechanics Section, Reactor safety Division, BARC (1995-2015)
2. Head, Human Resource Development Division, BARC (2013-2015)
3. Member, Council of Management and Academic Council, Homi Bhabha National Institute (2013-2018)
4. Dean, Homi Bhabha National Institute (2013- 2018)
5. Vice Chancellor (Officiating), Homi Bhabha National Institute (2016).
Fracture and Damage Mechanics; Computational Mechanics, Material Mechanics; Advanced Mechanical Testing; Human Resource Development; Academic Governance
1. Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay, 1990
2. M.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Kanpur, 1983
3. B.E., Mechanical Engineering, NIT, Raipur, 1976
Awards and Recognitions
1. Inaugural recipient of Technical Excellence Award, DAE (1992)
2. Homi Bhabha Award for Science and Technology, DAE (1997)
3. Distinguished Faculty Award, HBNI (2015).
4. Fellow, INAE
INAE Section Affiliated
III: Mechanical Engineering
Year of Election to Fellowship
Year of Birth
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