Dr. Mathukumalli VIDYASAGAR
Present Designation:
SERB National Science Chair & Distinguished Professor, Indian Institute of Technology HyderabadAreas of Interest:
Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Probabilistic Algorithms
Control Systems, Machine Learning
Major Professional Contributions:
- Co-developer of the SUTRA model for predicting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Contributed to the development of the LCA Control Law
Consultancy Areas:
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Sector Associated With:
AI and ML
Sectors Interested to Offer Service:
Any, from start-ups to well-established companies
Professional Experience
Found in the CV
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D. Wisconsin (1969)
M.S. Wisconsin (1967)
B.S. Wisconsin (1965)
Awards and Recognitions
IEEE Control Systems Award, ASME Rufus Oldenburger Medal, AACC John Ragazzini Award
Link to Website
https://people.iith.ac.in/m_vidyasagar/index.htmlINAE Section Affiliated
II: Computer and Information Technology
Year of Election to Fellowship
Year of Birth
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