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Dr. Bulusu Lakshmana DEEKSHATULU

Work Status: Retired

Last Designation: ,

Areas of Interest:

Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks


Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Machine Learning

Major Professional Contributions:

* Established and developed "Control Systems" subject (when it was in its infancy in India) in all its facets at IISc., Bangalore during 1964-1976

* Instrumental in starting a ME degree programme at IISc in “Applied Electronics & Servomechanisms”, 1963
Visited USSR as Government of India delegate for setting up School of Automation at I.I.Sc., Bangalore, 1968, currently the Department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA) at IISc.

*Designed and fabricated for the first time in India, Gray scale and Color Drum Scanners for Computer Picture processing, which has subsequently won him and his group, a NRDC Award.

*Responsible for the upbringing of the National Remote Sensing Agency (now NRSC) in all its facets. Contributed to the development of infrastructure for remote sensing data reception and data processing for executing National and State level projects in many disciplines of Remote Sensing applications. Developed visual interpretation instruments for remote sensing data analysis that are widely used by various Govt. user departments. Contributed to the introduction of Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing and their Applications in the curriculum at IPI Dehra Dun, eventually transforming it to IIRS, Dehra Dun. Instrumental in the establishment of the current INCOIS center (under MOES, Govt. of India) and ADRIN organization at Hyderabad.

*From November 1995 to April 2002, contributed to the establishment and growth of the Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (CSSTE-AP), Affiliated to the United Nations, at IIRS Dehra Dun and at SAC Ahmedabad India resulting in its recognition as a "Role Model Training Center" for Remote Sensing Applications in the Asia-Pacific region.

*Taught courses and conducted research in Image Processing and Machine Learning at Univ. of Hyderabad during 2002-2010

Consultancy Areas:

Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning (advisory role)

Sector Associated With:


Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

Educational / Academic institutions, R&D Organizations (advisory role)

Professional Experience

* Professor IISc Bengaluru 1970-77

* Director NRSA (currently NRSC), Hyderabad 1982- 96

* Distinguished Scientist (Secretary Grade--Govt. of India) & Director NRSA 1996

* Director CSSTEAP, affiliated to the United Nations, Dehradun 1995-2002

* Visiting Professor, Computer Science Dept., Univ of Hyd 2002-2010

* Distinguished Fellow IDRBT (RBI--Govt of India), Hyderabad 2011-2021


* Remote Sensing

* Digital Image Processing

* Neural Networks

* Pattern Recognition

* Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR)

* Multi spectral Data Analysis

* Machine Learning

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Ph.D. IISc. Nonlinear Systems, 1964

ME IISc. Power Systems, 1960

B. Sc. Electrical Engg., 1958

Awards and Recognitions

“PADMASRI” medal by President of India, National Award for Ocean Sci. & Tech. from MOES, Govt. of India,
Distinguished Alumni Award from IISc, Bangalore,
ISRO Outstanding Achievement Award,
CHEN Shupeng award (CCNCRS & AARS) Taipei,
“Life Time Contribution Award” from ACRS, Beijing,
Boon Indrambarya GOLD MEDAL by Thailand Remote Sensing and GIS Assoc. Hong Kong,
IEEE Third Millennium Medal,
Life Time Contribution Award (LTC) from IETE
Lifetime Time Achievement (LTA) award from Systems Society of India,
Life Time Contribution (LTC) award from INAE
IEEE IC Section Chair award,
Bharat Ratna Sir M.VISVESWARAYA AWARD for “Outstanding Engineer”,
NRDC Invention Awards (1986 & in 1993),
Dr. Biren Roy Space Science Award,
Bhaskara Award, BRAHM PRAKASH MEDAL for Significant Contributions to Engineering Technology,
OM PRAKASH BHASIN AWARD for Science and Technology,
Aryabhatta Award by Astronautical Society of India for life time contributions to Remote Sensing,
Martin Foster Gold Medal by I.I.Sc., for best Ph.D. Thesis,
 “Sivananda Eminent Citizen Award” from Vice President of India,
“ASTHANA VIDWAN” award from Datta Peetham, Mysore     

Visiting Scientist, IBM Watson Research Centre, New York & Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, 1971-72,
Chairman of Remote Sensing Applications Missions India 1987-95,
UN/FAO Consultant in Beijing, November 1981,
Indian Government Representative in the UN/ESCAP/RSSP Directors’ Meetings & Inter Governmental Consultative Committee Meetings from 1985-95,
Chairman, National Committee on International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP) during 1994-97,
UN/ESCAP, BANGKOK Senior Consultant September-November, 1996,
Director of UN Affiliated Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (CSSTE-AP), November 1995 - April 2002
Visiting Professor, Univ. of Hyderabad, 2002-2010
Chairman NIT Warangal, 2009-2012,
President, AP Academy of Sciences (APAS), 2015-18,
Distinguished Fellow, at IDRBT (RBI-Govt. of India), 2011-2021

Link to Website

INAE Section Affiliated

VI: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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