Expert Profile View

Prof. Suresh Chandra SRIVASTAVA

Present Designation:

Project Director, SIIC, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Areas of Interest:

Smart Grid, Power System operation and control, Stability and Security Analysis


Electrical Engineering, Power Systems

Major Professional Contributions:

Consultancy Areas:

Synchrophasor applications, Smart Grid, Real Time Digital Simulation.

Sector Associated With:


Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

Educational / Academic institutions, Industry (PSUs), R&D Organizations, Government (including funding agencies)

Professional Experience

Project Director SIIC-FIRST IIT Kanpur since January 2024; Director IIT kanpur- LaTrobe University Research Academy and Distinguished Visiting Professor, IIT Kanpur from Jan 2021 till Nov 2023; Professor, Department of Electrical Eng, IIT Kanpur since Dec. 1995 till Dec 2020,Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Eng, IIT Kanpur during March 1991- Dec.1995 Assistant professor, Department of Electrical Eng, IIT Kanpur during Nov 1988- March 1991 Deputy Manager (position before leaving, Engineers India Limited New Delhi, Nov.1976-Nov.1988.


Power System Security, Stability Analysis and Control, Synchrophasor Applications,Real Time Simulation, Smart Grid, Renewable integration, Teaching, Research, Consultancy Organization.

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V: Electrical Engineering

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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