Prof. Ram Kumar SINGH
Present Designation:
Senior Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute, MumbaiAreas of Interest:
nuclear reactor design & development, reactor structural & thermal hydraulics safety & reliability studies
computational structural, thermal & fluid mechanics & experimental stress analysis
fluid-structure-thermal interaction problems for nuclear reactor core components
strategic studies, rock dynamics, shock, seismic and blast wave propagation, impact and high strain rate problems, multi-body dynamics for soft and hard missiles
nuclear containment integrity assessment for extreme events of over-pressurization, aircraft impact, fire and seismic loads, hydrogen transport and combustion studies and passive autocatalytic recombiner development & prototyping, aerosol transport and severe accident management guideline development for Indian nuclear plants
tsunami wave modeling, national warning system and site evaluation of nuclear facilities for extreme events
Computational & Structural Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Nuclear Power & Energy Technologies, Nuclear Science & Technology, Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Nuclear Safety and Security
Pressure Vessel Design, Experimental Stress Analysis, Concrete Fracture Mechanics
Shock Waves, Blast, Impact and High Strain Rate Problems, Tsunami Modeling and Site Evaluation
Major Professional Contributions:
* Indian nuclear power and research reactor design, development and safety assessment to maintain stringent quality as per nuclear design codes
*Finite element code development and specific analysis of coupled fluid-structure-thermal interaction problems for nuclear reactor safety and structural integrity issues
*Laboratory and nuclear plant on-site testing and experimental activities, nuclear containment structural and thermal hydraulics safety studies, impact and high strain rate problems for soft and hard missiles and wave propagation studies in solid and fluid media
*Containment integrity assessment backed up with large scale experimental programs, hydrogen transport, deflagration, detonation and combustion assessment for passive hydrogen recombiner indigenous development, its testing and deployment in various Indian nuclear power plants, aerosol transport
*Tsunami evaluation of coastal nuclear facilities and development of severe accident management guidelines for the upgradation of Indian nuclear power plants and facilities
*Supervised a team of over ninety nuclear engineers and scientists for structural mechanics, thermal hydraulics, reliability and safety evaluation of Indian nuclear reactors for design and beyond design basis accidents in case of external and internal extreme events addressed through plan projects and collaborative projects with academic and research institutes
*National strategic programs
*Guided Ph. D. and M. Tech students at IITs / IISc and Homi Bhabha National Institute
* Chairman International Scientific Committee for 21st International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT-21) and guest editor of the Special Issue of Nuclear Engineering and Design on Selected Papers of SMiRT 21.
*Organized a large number of international and national conferences and coordination of standard problem and round robin exercises backed up with mega scale experimental programs on concurrent computational mechanics / experimental studies related to nuclear reactor safety problems
*Services to Atomic Energy Regulatory Board as Expert Consultant on concurrent nuclear safety issues and activities related to revision of “AERB codes and standards”, besides mentoring young engineers.
*Engaged in Scientific and Technical Committees as expert for the review of projects of national importance
* Publications International Journals 117, Books 8, International Conferences 241, National
Conferences 101, BARC Reports 33, Restricted Reports 9 and KIT-Germany Reports 9
Consultancy Areas:
*Establishing a sustainable linkage between R&D organizations, academia and industry based on the national priority needs to develop novel Nuclear Power & Energy Technologies
*Hydrogen economy; design, development, testing, qualification and commissioning of structures, systems and components for power sector; mechanical, nuclear & structural engineering projects
*Infrastructure development and protection for extreme events namely seismic and blast waves
*Tsunami studies and Site Assessment
*Hydrogen combustion deflagration & detonation; inelastic analysis
*Concrete fracture mechanics
*Impact, blast & high strain rate problems
*Novel material development for blast protection and mitigation
*Experimental stress analysis
*Pressure vessel design and analysis, ASME B&PV code design, failure investigation
*Computational fluid dynamics & heat transfer
Sector Associated With:
Sectors Interested to Offer Service:
Educational / Academic institutions, Industry (Private), Industry (PSUs), R&D Organizations, Government (including funding agencies), Entrepreneurs, Law Enforcement Agencies, Consultancy Firms, Private Agencies
Professional Experience
*Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (2018 Jan-2021 Dec)
*Honorary Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee (2015 Nov-2017 Dec)
*Distinguished Scientist, Associate Director, Reactor Design and Development Group / Head Reactor Safety Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay & Senior Professor Homi Bhabha National Institute (2012-2015)
*Outstanding Scientist & Head Containment Studies Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay & Professor Homi Bhabha National Institute (2008-2012) Scientific Officer H+ & Head Containment Studies Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay & Professor Homi Bhabha National Institute (2004-2008) Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay (1978-2004).
Finite element method, CFD, impact, shock, blast and high strain rate problems, thermal hydraulics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, computational mechanics, experimental stress analysis, pressure vessel design and analysis, ASME code, nuclear engineering, power plant engineering, reactor safety, tsunami modeling, concrete fracture mechanics, hydrogen combustion, deflagration, detonation,.
B. Sc. Engineering Mechanical Engineering BIT Sindri Ranchi University 1977 Postgraduate Course Nuclear-Mechanical Engineering BARC Trombay 1978 Ph.D. (Structural Engg.) Computational Mechanics IIT-Bombay 1990
Awards and Recognitions
Recipient of Homi Bhabha Science and Technology Award-2011
BARCOM Group Achievement Award-2011, Hydrogen Recombiner Development Group Achievement Award-2014 & Transportation Cask Group Achievement Award-2018
Actively engaged in various National Committees as expert for the review of projects of national Importance,
Academic Research Project Reviewer for Czech Republic Science Foundation
Biography published in “2001 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century” by International Biographical Centre Cambridge, England, “Who's Who in the World (18th ed.-2001 & 19th ed.)” and “Who's Who in Science and Engineering (6th ed.-2002-2003)” by Marquis Who's Who Publishers, New Providence, NJ07974 (USA)
INAE Section Affiliated
IX: Energy Engineering
Year of Election to Fellowship
Year of Birth
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