Expert Profile View

Dr. Avinash CHANDER

Present Designation:


Areas of Interest:

Defence Technology, Defence Industry, Defence Policy.


Missiles; Guidance and Navigation

Major Professional Contributions:

1. Design & Development of Agni series of missiles including Agni5

2. Missile System design, production and deployment strategy

3. Pioneered the Design of Strapdown Inertial Navigation in India

4.Explicit guidance for multi stage long range missiles, and strapdown seeker based guidance for short range missiles, digital simulation platforms for multistage systems

5. Industry capability development for Defence

Consultancy Areas:

1. Technology development in navigation, guidance, control and avionics

2. Missile design & development

3. Strategic planning

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Professional Experience


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B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.

Awards and Recognitions

1. Padma Shri. 2013

2. Biren Roy Space Sciences award

3. Aryabhata Award 2013

4. Distinguished Alumunous IIT, Delhi

5. Life Time Achievement award, Aeronautical Society of India

Link to Website

INAE Section Affiliated

VII: Aerospace Engineering

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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