Expert Profile View

Prof. Debabrata DAS

Present Designation:

Former Professor and Head of Department of Biotechnology and former Professor-in-Charge of PK Sinha Centre for Bioenergy and MNRE Chair Professor,

Areas of Interest:

Biohydrogen production process; Biohythane; Microbial Fuel Cell; Algal Biorefinery


Biochemical Engineering; Environmental Biotechnology

Major Professional Contributions:

▬ Technology Transferred Technology Licence Agreement was signed between Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and M/s. Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd, Dhampur, UP, India on our process titled “Biohydrogen production from the cane molasses based distillery effluent” on 3rd May, 2019 ▬ Patent awarded Indian Patent No. 188562 A Continuous process for the production of ethanol from starchy materials India Patent No. 212605 A process for biological production of hydrogen India Patent No. 355538 Development of cost effective membrane cathode assembly for a single chambered microbial fuel cell ▬ Patent filed • Earthen material based cathode separator assembly for scalable bioelectrochemical system (Patent Application No.805/KOL/2013). • A system for simultaneous treatment of wastewater and wastegas using a microbial carbon capture cell reactor (Patent Application No. 0471/KOL/2015) • Development of a novel microbial fuel cell (Application no. 21435) • Novel approach of biodiesel extraction process from wet microalgal biomass by using Hibiscus rosa-sinensisleaf extracted Fe2O3 nanocatalyst (Application no. 21597) ▬ Design, commissioning of Pilot plants • 800 L and 10,000 L Biohydrogen pilot plant at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur • 500 L and 2,000 L Biomethanation Pilot Plant at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi • 5,000 L Biomethanation Pilot Plant at Dourala Sugar Works; Meerat • 3,000 L Biomethanation Pilot Plant at Citurgia Biochemicals Ltd. (CBL), Surat ▬ Short Term Courses and Seminar cum Workshop coordinated May 10-24, 1989 Analysis and Design of Novel Bioreactor June 25 – July 7, 1990 Biotechnology in Combating Pollution June 11-24, 1992 Application of Immobilization Techniques in Biotechnology July 14-30, 1999 Bioprocess Engineering with Genetically Modified Organisms ▬ National / International Symposium / Workshop organized December 11-15, 1995 National Seminar on “Advances in Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Control” January 15-16, 2003 Indo-Norwegian Seminar on ‘Recent trends in Tuberculosis research’ February 10-11, 2005 International Conference on ‘Functional Genomics for Novel Vaccine and Drug Design on Tuberculosis Infection’ February 7-9, 2008 International Workshop on ‘Biohydrogen Production Technology’ October 17-18, 2011 International Workshop on “Use of solar energy for CO2 capture, algae technology, and hydrogen production, and subsequent use of algal biomass for commercial purpose” December 14-15, 2012 International Conference on “Advances in Biological Hydrogen Production Processes and Applications” January 10-13, 2013 International Conference on “Algal Biorefineries” ▬ Publications of Books 1. Biohydrogen Production: Fundamentals and Technology Advances, Debabrata Das, Namita Khanna and Chitralekha Nag Dasgupta, CRC Press, 408 Pages, 2014 (ISBN 9781466517998). 2. Algal Biorefinery: an Integrated Approach, Debabrata Das (Editor), Capital Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, India and Springer, Switzerland, 489 pages, 2015 (ISBN: 978-93-81891-23-0; ISBN 978-3-319-22812-9; ISBN 978-3-319-22813-6 (eBook) (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22813-6). 3. Biohythane: Fuel for the Future, Debabrata Das and Shantonu Roy (Editors), Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2016 (ISBN 978-981-4745-29-1 (Hardbook); 978-981-4745-30-7 (ebook). 4. Microbial Fuel Cell: A Bioelectrochemical System that Converts Waste to Watts, Debabrata Das (Editor), Capital Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, India and Springer, Switzerland,506 pages, 2017 (ISBN 978-3-319-66792-8 (Hardbook); 978-3-319-66793-5(ebook). 5. Fundamentals of Biofuel Production Processes, Debabrata Das and Jhansi L. Varanasi, CRC Press Boca Raton, FL, USA, 268 pages, 2019 (ISBN 9781351617512) (Hard book). 6. Biochemical Engineering: An Introductory Text Book, Debabrata Das and Debayan Das, Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 484 pages, 2019 (ISBN 9789814800433) (Hard Book). 7. Biochemical Engineering: A Laboratory Manual, Debabrata Das and Debayan Das, Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 248 pages, 2021 (ISBN 9789814877367) (Hard Book). 8. Industrial Biotechnology, Debabrata Das and Soumya Pandit, CRC Press Boca Raton, FL, 525 pages, ISBN 9780367408886 (Hard Book) ▬ PUBLICATION OF CONFERENCE / WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS IN THE JOURNALS 1. Special issue of International Workshop on Biohydrogen Production Technology (IWBT 2008), Debabrata Das (Guest Editor), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(17), pp. 7348-7560, 2009. 2. Special issue of International Conference on Algal Biorefinery (ICAB 2013), Debabrata Das (Guest Editor), Algological Studies, 143(1), 2-87, 2013. 3. Special issue of International Conference on Advances in Biohydrogen Production and Applications (ICABHPA 2012) (IWBT 2008), Debabrata Das, M. Lakshmi Narasu and Krzysztof Urbaniec (Guest Editors), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(14), pp. 7467-7626, 2014.

Consultancy Areas:

Development of fermentation processes; Bioenergy generation processes

Sector Associated With:


Sectors Interested to Offer Service:

Industry (Private), R&D Organizations

Professional Experience

Worked as a Biochemical Engineer in M/s. Citurgia Biochemical Ltd., Surat. Post Doctor in University of Utah Senior Professor at IIT Kharagpur (since 1988). Consultant of M/s. IFB Agro Industries Ltd., Kolkata. M/s. World Hydrogen Energy, LLC, New York, USA; etc.


Biohydrogen production; Biomethane production; Wastewater treatment; Design of Bioreactor

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B.Sc.(Hons), B.Tech., Ph.D.

Awards and Recognitions

▬ Award 2000 DBT Overseas Fellowship 2013 BRSI Malaviya Memorial award (for senior faculty) For the outstanding contribution in hydrogen energy 2008 IAHE Akira Mitsui Award For the important contribution to hydrogen research 2000 DBT’s Biotechnology Overseas Associateship University of Miami, Miami, USA ▬ Recognition 2004 Fellow, West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (WAST) 2011 Fellow, Biotechnology Research Society of India (BRSI) 2012 Fellow, Institute of Engineers (India) (IE) 2015 Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineers (INAE) 2016 Fellow, International Association of Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) ▬ Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal • International Journal of Hydrogen Energy • Indian Journal of Biotechnology • Biotechnology for Biofuels • The Open Microalgae Biotechnology Journal • INAE Letters

Link to Website

INAE Section Affiliated

IX: Energy Engineering

Year of Election to Fellowship


Year of Birth



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