INAE Annual Convention 2016
The Annual Convention of the Indian National Academy of Engineering was held on Dec 8-9, 2016 at Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad. The programme of this year’s Annual Convention had a new format, wherein besides the Inaugural Session, technical presentations by newly elected Fellows and Young Engineer Awardees and the Awards Ceremony the following were held.
- Two Plenary Talks – one on a technical topic and one on a general topic
- Industry Session wherein two young entrepreneurs delivered talks on their start-ups
- Sideline meetings to include meetings of two INAE Forums
- A meeting of senior INAE Fellows to discuss the Way Forward of the Academy
- Release of CAETS 2015 Convocation on “Pathways to Sustainability: Energy, Mobility and Healthcare Engineering” Proceedings published by M/s Springer
The Annual Convention had a participation of 135 Fellows and 20 families besides 3 Foreign Fellows.
Inaugural Session
Mr. Shailendra N. Roy, Chief Executive & Whole-Time Director, Larsen & Toubro Ltd was the Chief Guest and Shri AS Kiran Kumar, Chairman, Space Commission, Chairman, ISRO and Secretary, Department of Space was the Guest of Honour during the Inaugural Session on Dec 8, 2016. Mr. Tapan Misra, Director, Space Applications Centre delivered the Welcome Remarks. Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE delivered the Presidential Address. This was followed by the Address by the Chief Guest, Mr. Shailendra N. Roy and the Guest of Honour, Shri AS Kiran Kumar.
During the Inaugural Session, following were inducted into the Academy by the President, INAE and signed the Admission Register – Shri Senapathy ‘Kris’ Gopalakrishnan, Shri T.V. Narendran, Dr Uday Shankar Agarwal and Prof Cato Thomas Laurencin,
The CAETS 2015 Proceedings published by M/s Springer which contains papers based on the presentations during the CAETS 2015 Convocation on “Pathways to Sustainability: Energy, Mobility and Healthcare Engineering” hosted by INAE at New Delhi on Oct 13-14, 2015; was released by Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE. Dr Purnendu Ghosh, Chief Editor of Publications, INAE gave a brief background of the CAETS Proceedings prior to the release. Brig Rajan Minocha, Executive Director, INAE proposed the Vote of Thanks.
The major scientific and engineering highlights of the Convention were the presentations by newly elected Fellows and Young Engineer Awardees. The presentations were held in two Parallel Sessions on Dec 8-9, 2016. The list of the technical presentations by Fellows and Young Engineers are given below.
Presentations by Newly Elected Fellows on Dec 8-9, 2016
Prof. B Ravi | The Golden Spiral: Connecting Education, Research, Development and Application |
Dr. C. Ranganayakulu | Development of Environmental Control Systems and Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications |
Mr. NM Dube | Extreme Tribology: Exploring Tribology testing for extremely Challenging Applications |
Dr. Rahul Mitra | Development of composite materials for light-weight and high temperature structural applications |
Mr. Vinay V Kulkarni | Industrialization of Software Development |
Dr. Swades De | Protocols and Cross-Layer Optimizations for Green Communication Networks |
Mr. Vivek Bhasin | R&D in Structural Integrity of Nuclear Components: Large Amplitude Cyclic Loads |
Prof. PJ Narayanan | Recovering Three Dimensionality from Images |
Dr. US Agarwal | Innovating in bulk industry |
Prof. Baidurya Bhattacharya | Origins and Utility of Friction at small scales |
Prof. DC Panigrahi | Field investigations, modelling and simulation studies for reducing the radiation dose levels in underground uranium mines in India |
Dr. P.P. Mohanlal | Aerospace Inertial Sensors and Systems: Challenges |
Dr. Saptarshi Basu | Droplets, Sprays and Flow in combustors: Insights into different spatio-temporal scales |
Dr. Ashim Kumar Mukhopadhyay | Development and Industrial Scale Production of Structural Aluminium Alloys for Defence Applications |
Prof. KVS Hari | Experiments in MIMO Signal Processing |
Dr. R Muralidharan | Towards self reliance in high frequency devices |
Prof. NS Raghuwanshi | Improved Agricultural Water Management Using Information Technology |
Mr. BHVS Narayana Murthy | Missile Avionics : Design and Challenges |
Prof. Yogesh M Joshi | Revising a phase behavior of aqueous suspension of Laponite |
Prof. JB Joshi | Direct Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Systems : Applications to Flotation, Cromatographic Separation, Pyrolysis, Biomass Stove, Continuous Cooker, Technologies for CNT, Titanium and New Generation of Atomic Power Reactor |
Prof. BG Fernandes | Power Electronic based PV solutions for Rural India |
Prof. Chandra Venkataraman | Short Lived Climate Pollutants: Emissions and Impacts over India |
Prof. Sampath Srinivasan | Electrochemical Devices: Sensors and Energy Systems |
Dr. Hariharan Ramesh | Multi-disciplinary Engineering for Genomic Diagnosis |
Presentations by INAE Young Engineer Awardees on Dec 8-9, 2016
Mr. Suresh Kumar | Breakthrough development in agricultural tractor Clutch and Driveline systems |
Dr. Amartya Mukhopadhyay | Correlations between processing conditions, microstructure developments, dimensional aspects and phase transformations on the performance of engineering ceramics in advanced structural and electrochemical energy storage applications. |
Dr. DV Pinjari | Cavitation Technology: A Sustainable Technology for Environmental Cause |
Dr. Santanu Kapat | High-Performance, Energy-Efficient, EMI-Aware Mixed-Signal Dynamic Power Management Architectures |
Dr. Sudib Kumar Mishra | Seismic Vibration Control using Super-elastic Base Isolation |
Dr. Manisha B. Padwal | Atomization and Combustion of Gelled Propellants |
Dr. Chandan Saha | Arithmetic circuit complexity: Lower bounds, De-randomization and Reconstruction |
Dr. Uday Kumar Reddy B | Building Language and Compiler Technology for the Multicore Era |
Awards Function on Dec 8, 2016
The Grand Award Ceremony was held on the evening of December 8, 2016. Five theses at Doctoral level, Five Theses at Master’s Level and 5 Projects at Bachelor’s Level were conferred the Innovative Student Projects Award. Ten candidates were conferred the INAE Young Engineer Award 2016.

Dr. Sunitha K Nayar being conferred the Innovative Student Projects Award 2016 at Doctoral level by Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE

Dr Chandan Saha being conferred the INAE Young Engineer Award 2016 by Dr BN Suresh President, INAE
Dr SN Singh, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and Prof SK Sarangi, Director, National Institute of Technology Rourkela were conferred the INAE Outstanding Teachers Award 2016.

Prof SK Sarangi receiving the Outstanding Teachers Award 2016 From Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE
Dr. V. Adimurthy, ISRO Honorary Distinguished Professor and Prof VS Borkar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay were conferred the Prof Jai Krishna Memorial Award and Prof SN Mitra Memorial Award 2016 respectively.

Dr V Adimurthy receiving the Prof Jai Krishna Memorial Award 2016 from Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE

Prof VS Borkar receiving the Prof SN Mitra Memorial Award 2016 from Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE
Dr PS Goel, Honorary Distinguished Professor, ISRO Hqrs. and Raja Ramanna Chair Visiting Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore and Formerly Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences and Dr VK Aatre, formerly Scientific Adviser to the Raksha Mantri, Director General of Defence Research & Development Organization and Secretary Department of Defence R&D were conferred the Life Time Contribution Award in Engineering 2016.

Dr PS Goel receiving the Life Time Contribution Award in Engineering 2016 from Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE

Dr VK Aatre receiving the Life Time Contribution Award in Engineering 2016 from Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE
Sidelines Meeting held on Dec 8, 2016
A sideline meeting chaired by Dr. PS Goel, Past President, INAE was held on Dec 8, 2016 at SAC, Ahmedabad. The Agenda for the meeting was to discuss the methodology to engage INAE Fellowship in the activities being undertaken with various Ministries/Niti Aayog/PSA Office/TIFAC etc. towards providing technical inputs for engineering interventions in policy formulation.
Meetings of INAE Forums on Dec 8, 2016
Meetings of the INAE Forum on Engineering interventions for Disaster Mitigation Chaired by Dr RK Bhandari and INAE Forum on Indian Landscape of Advanced Structural Materials Chaired by Dr Debashish Bhattacharjee were held on the sidelines of the Annual Convention on Dec 8, 2016 at SAC Ahmedabad.
Annual General Meeting of Fellows on Dec 9, 2016
The 28th Annual General Meeting of Fellows was held on Dec 9, 2016. During the Induction Ceremony, the following were formally admitted into the Academy by the President, INAE and signed the Admission Register.
ES-I Prof. Baidurya Bhattacharya, Shri Mangu Singh
ES-II Mr. Vinay V Kulkarni, Prof. PJ Narayanan
ES-III Dr. Saptarshi Basu, Dr. C. Ranganayakulu, Prof B Ravi, Shri NM Dube
ES-IV Prof JB Joshi, Prof Yogesh M Joshi
ES –V Prof BG Fernandes
ES-VI Dr Neelesh B Mehta, Dr Swades De, Prof KVS Hari, Dr R Muralidharan
ES-VII Dr PP Mohanlal, Mr. BHVS Narayana Murthy, Shri S Somanath
ES-VIII Prof DC Panigrahi, Prof Rahul Mitra
ES-IX Prof Chandra Venkataraman, Shri Vivek Bhasin
ES-X Prof NS Raghuwanshi, Prof Sampat Srinivasan
During the AGM, a Brainstorming Session was held wherein Dr BN Suresh, President, INAE requested the Fellows to give their suggestions. A number of valuable suggestions were received on the methodology for engagement of INAE Fellows for providing inputs to DST, other Government Agencies and Policymakers.
Thereafter, presentations by Conveners of Sectional Committees I, V and IX to present the activities planned during the year 2017 were held.
Session on Plenary Talks on Dec 9, 2016
Two Plenary Talks – one on a technical topic and one on a general topic. Mr. Rakesh Chopra, formerly head of the Kashmir Railway Project, on Zonal Railway and formerly Member Engineering, Railway Board delivered the Plenary Talk on “Challenges in J&K Rail Link” on Dec 9, 2016. Mr. Gaur Gopal Prabhu of ISKON delivered a general talk on “Ways to Happiness”.
Industry Session held on Dec 9, 2016
During the Industry Session on Dec 9, 2016 lectures were delivered by two Start Up Entrepreneurs viz Prof. Kavi Arya, Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, IIT Bombay and Shri Parag Naik, CEO Saankhya. Prof Kavi Arya is Principal Investigator of the e-Yantra Project that is popularizing “project based learning” using robotics in engineering colleges. Shri Parag Naik co-founded Saankhya and contributed to the product roadmaps and designing Saankhya architecture.
The Annual Convention ended with an organized tour for all participants on Dec 10, 2016 to Akshardham Temple and Gandhi Ashram.